Most Powerful Magnet

The largest magnet on Earth is, in fact, the Earth. Our planet acts like one big bar magnet, with a magnetic north and south pole. However, it is not the strongest one on the planet. The most powerful, non-destructive magnet resides in New Mexico and was made by humans. In 2012, researchers at the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico built one that could generate a record-setting magnetic field of 100 Tesla, a unit used to measure magnetic field strength.

To put that in perspective, the huge lifting magnets that swing cars around like they are mere toys are only around 2 tesla. The magnet created by the researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico clocks in at 100 Tesla━a magnetic force that is 2 million times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field. The magnetic energy is so intense that it even emits a shrieking sound when turned on. Because it is so powerful though, it can only be turned on for a few seconds, then it must be turned off.

Strong Neodymium Magnets All our licensed magnets are extremely powerful high grade Neodymium, grade N42 or higher. They are a lot stronger than normal Neodymium rare earth magnets (N28, N35, N38, or N45) on the market today. Make sure you read the magnet safety warning in the link above before you purchase or use them. Ring magnet R-60-06-30-N clearly sets itself apart from the other ring magnets in our shop. It is much heavier and most of all has an incredible adhesive force of 120 kg. This strong magnet is especially popular with people who fish with magnets. Simply attach a rope and you are ready to fish.


The magnet isn’t necessarily the strongest that has ever been created either. However, it is the first that does not involve destruction or explosions in the process. With magnetic fields that strong, even the magnet needs help managing the strength of them. Before, powerful man-made magnetic fields were generated by using some form of explosives to compress the field inside the magnet as it pulsed. Using this method, researchers could reach measurements as high as 1,000 Tesla, but only for a few microseconds. With the 100 Tesla magnet, researchers can use it again and again.

So what’s the point of creating a super powerful magnet besides the fact that it sounds really cool? The man-made magnet is actually a valuable resource in furthering research on superconductors, quantum behaviors and a number of other magnetic phenomenon.

Most Powerful Magnet Ever Made

All magnets are strong, but there are some that are much stronger than others. When you’re choosing a magnet for your next project, be sure you choose the right one.

All magnets are strong, right?

Yes and no.

All magnets have a specific energy density that can be measured, and some have much greater strengths than others.

Magnets are made from a variety of materials, which all alters the strength they are able to emit.

Let’s take a deeper look into the most powerful magnet on the market.

The power behind Neodymium

Neodymium magnets, or rare earth magnets, are known to be the most powerful type of permanent magnets available to consumers today.

While they are powerful, allow for dimensional reductions, and have good resistance to external demagnetization fields, they are not very resistant to corrosion and they are also sensitive to heat.

What are neodymium magnets used for?

Neodymium are one of the more diverse magnets available to consumers, and can be found across various industries.

Most powerful magneto

Most Powerful Magnetic Bracelet

  • Business displays and signage – Magnets are used in many businesses to hold signs in place and attract customers, they are also used on company vehicles as opposed to paint or stickers, which are more permanent.
  • MRIs – These medical imaging devices interact with you by affecting the electrons in each atom of your body and capturing an image of the effect.
  • Cordless appliances with smaller, high torque motors.
  • Lifting – Magnets are used across the board to complete difficult lifting jobs, like moving cars, picking up large metal pieces, and even recovering vehicles from underwater.

And much more!

Most Powerful Magnet On Earth

Be Cautious When Using Neodymium

Neodymium magnets are the strongest type of magnet available to consumers, and using them improperly comes with risks.

Take care when you’re working with neodymium magnets by following these guidelines:

  • Don’t allow neodymium magnets to snap together with full force or they may chip or break, possibly sending small pieces of metal flying on impact.
  • Wear eye protection as shattering magnets can launch fragments at great speed.
  • Never allow children to handle Neodymium magnets, as small magnets can pose choking hazards.
  • Keep neodymium magnets away from any magnetic-based storage devices such as desktop or laptop computers, hard drives, floppy disks, cassette tapes, VHS tapes, or credit cards. Their strong magnetic field can also destroy computer monitors, VCR's and TV's, and other CRT displays.
  • Keep neodymium magnets away from water and moisture – Hydrogen causes them to corrode and breakdown.

Want more tips and guidelines for working with neodymium?

If you need more information on neodymium magnets, download this FREE guide!

Most Powerful Magnet

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Jobmaster has provided hundreds of customers with safe, powerful magnets for use in personal and professional applications.


We look forward to doing the same for you. Contact us today!

Most Powerful Magnetic Bracelet

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Our vast inventory of more than a million magnets, makes us a leading magnet supplier in the industry.